BreakOut: Cut Through the Hiring Noise

From Offices to Open Spaces: Navigating Remote Work Trends with Gordon Smith

Written by Jake Gorgol | 6/6/23 10:19 PM
In this episode, Gareth Webb sits down with Gordon Smith to talk about how to successfully navigate remote and hybrid work preferences, creating in-office time employees will value, and advice for early stage founders and team leaders in the remote work era. 
[01:11] Gordon’s background responsibilities @ Hubble
[02:40] Why Gordon joined - future of work
[06:25] Companies working with Hubble
[07:30] Hubble's "office" offering  
[09:29] Various trends & solutions
[11:41] Differing views on hybrid company & executives.
[14:23] Common theme among companies doing it well?
[18:33] Do you think companies still like a “branded up” environment that is theirs?
[22:01] What trends are you seeing?
[23:56] Trends - mismatch in companies thinking they can get a good deal
[27:53] What advice do you have for founders on office space
[36:57] Making companies understand their data and its usage for an efficient solution
[39:21] Has power shifted back to the employer?
[40:46] What’s more difficult than it needs to be
[47:07] Anyone we should have on the podcast?
[48:47] Where to Connect with Gordon
[49:29] Closing Remarks
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Connect with Gareth - LinkedIn
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